Bins. Jed is obsessed with Bins. The one in the kitchen (which unfortunately cannot be hidden as we have very limited cupboard space) is a favourite. It can be used for drumming and hiding things in - like socks and books. The big bin outside is another fav, as we generally visit it every morning when disposing of his stinky overnight nappies. 'Bin, Bin!!' Jed will say after his morning nappy change. Then we head outside, Jed opens the lid and in goes the nappy with a look of contentment on Jed's face.
The other morning as we walked to the markets, it was bin morning so everyone's bin was on the nature strip. 'Bin, Bin!' pointing to each and everyone of them. He was in bin heaven. Some were overflowing and Jed would state 'oh ohhhhhhh, bin bin'. 'Yes Jed' I would reply, 'very full bin'. The bins on the other side of the street had been emptied and some had fallen over. 'oh, ohhhhhhh bin bin' Yes Jed - the bin has fallen over.
I can tell you are excited by this story of bins but wait for the climax - the rubbish truck came around the corner and started emptying the bins! I've never seen such a look of astonishment on the little mans face! These huge mechanical arms come out, pick up a bin, dispose of the rubbish in the big truck, then arms drop bin on ground (sometimes not too accurately - 'oh ohhhhhh'), then truck moves onto next bin - Jed was memorized.
Cubby Houses. Another obsession. I think it began at day care and it has ended with us having a permanent cubby house in our lounge room. It's a card table with a big red sheet over the top and has recently extended to behind the couch to create a little back verandah. Like anyone's house, you must be invited in. If you decide to pop in uninvited, you'll receive a cute wave and a 'bye bye'. The exception to this is Rudi. Rudi can come and go as he pleases and Jed is always absolutely delighted to have him as a guest. He recently refurbished with some comfy cushions and blankies - Rudi couldn't be happier.
Jed spends his quiet time in the cubby - reading books, chatting to himself and cuddling his toys. Very cute indeed.