Awww, the little man's first Christmas! Lots of presents (and very interesting wrapping paper and boxes!) lots of food and lots of love. We spent it in Macksville at Luke's family home with both sets of grandparents and Auntie Karee. It took a 3 day road trip (only driving around 5hours a day) to get there with Rudi panting in the back pretty much the whole way while Jed attempted to poke his eyes and nostrils - much to his own amusement. Highlights for the little man included -
* swinging in the hammock with Auntie Karee
* bath and story time with the grandparents
* playing with the choo choo christmas train
* eating blueberries
* eating sand at the beach
After Christmas, we set off back on our road trip to Killcare to welcome 08 with friends. Jed finally got to meet some of our very special friends for the first time, taking a particular liking to Gregory (see family photos for pics of the love). Everyday the weather was just beautiful. Perfect for trips down to the beach to swim in the rock pools and playing in the sand. Jed hadn't seen the ocean for months and was quite taken back by the mass amount of water - so much bigger than a bath or pool! You'll find lots of pics in family photos which pretty much cover our wonderfully sunny summer holiday.
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