We are feeling very slack indeed. Over the past months we have not only celebrated Jed's first birthday, we've had a naming day, he's started child care, he's been attracted to a number of infections (which they tell me are all boosting his immune system. I thought he was getting enough 'boosting' from licking Rudi every day) and i think the biggest milestone to report is JED IS A WALKING LITTLE MAN!!!
It's been hard to decipher as to when to officially title Jed, as a 'walker'. He's been taking a few steps since early January, slowly progressing from 5 steps in a row, to 7 to 10 and so on. Then there's been the falling. Thankfully it's common to see a child with a purple chin and knees. Poor little man. I think it became official on the day he began to pick himself up after falling and continued to walk instead of crawling. It's been a couple of months since then and boy, can he walk! Add shoes to the equation and you're back at square one for a little while but soon enough, moon boots become the norm and it's full steam ahead!!
Although Jed's vocab diminished during his 'learning to walk' phase, a common symptom apparently - he is back on track. I am mumma, Luke is dadda and Rudi is ra ra. Then we have bird, ball, boohat (for hat or bike helmet) and baba (for babies or any small object) Very cute indeed. Then there's hello when answering the phone and bye bye with a flick of the arm (the pseudo wave which is still a work in progress). There has also been many random words - I swear I even heard him say watermelon the other day. Every day, something new. Jed's personality is certainly shining.
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