Luke and I have re-named Jed's poo Mr Mustard. It's pretty self explanatory really. Same consistency - sometimes Hot English, sometimes Dijon. And sometimes Mr Mustard can be mean. We have recently overcome a poo drought. 9 days with no poo. Usually Jed is a once every 2-3 days kind of guy so you can imagine our relief when Mr Mustard finally arrived. I was in a meeting at work when the text came through from Luke - "I saw Jed make mustard with my own eyes" - hilarious. I was so glad Luke was on the receiving end of this one. He can often go a couple of weeks without having to change a mustardy nappy. But this time, Jed saved his best for dad. Well done son. And it certainly was a ripper with Luke also describing the action as soft serve like. HA!
And how's this for a scale of what is 'normal' for a breastfed baby to poo. From 10 times a day to once every 3 weeks! I mean really! We know a few bubs that have gone the distance (Cash did 2 weeks, Coco, 3 weeks) and sometimes bubs apparently require 'assistance'. We haven't had to go there with yet, but everyone seems to have their own little technique ranging from the pinkie finger to some vas on the end of a cotton tip. Something to look forward to I guess - ain't parenthood grand!
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