Jed and I visited my parents (Mops and Pops) in Brisbane last week. We had our first plane ride together which went quite smoothly considering the horror stories I've heard. Apparently my brother screamed from Melbourne to London with my dad literally walking the aisles for 24hrs. (Look forward to that one in September!) This time around, Jed didn't seemed phased at all. I think it had something to do with the extra feeds during take off and landing - the greedy little monster.
Brisbane was warm and sunny and Jed got a little bit more wear out of his summer wardrobe. Mops was in heaven. Jed pretty much spent an entire week in her arms while she google and gaggled. He of course, loves a little attention so he was in heaven too. Lots of fun times were had - hanging out with mops and pops in bed in the mornings, nudie time in the afternoons, aeroplane rides (with dribble trails) all around the house - Jed hardly ever touched the ground.
Luke flew up for my first Mothers Day. I got a little sleep in and the boys cooked up a seafood storm for dinner. Jed bought me a beautiful dress. He's got such good taste already - very advanced for his age!
Luke and I went out to dinner by ourselves for the first time since the little man arrived. It felt very strange to be without him. 3 wines later, it was like old times. 4 wines later, it was nigh nigh time for Rachel.