You may not like to read on if you are in anyway disturbed by the topic of "poo". When you have a newborn, there isn't much that they really do in the early stages other than sleep, suckle ones breast and deposit from down below.
I was quite disturbed to see our son's first poo. It was black, sticky consistancy - quite similar to tar. How could such a revolting substance come out of our absolutely gorgeous baby? The black poos continued for a couple of nappy changes, slowly turning a dark green, then dark brown and now currently, a lovely dijon mustard colour.
Apparently when I was a wee baby, I had a reputation of doing Poocanos - you know, poos that shoot up the back of the nappy, similar to a volcano erupting. Well, it seems that little Jed is well and truly on the way to taking after his mother. His poocanos are currently erupting out the sides of the nappy, covering his legs in a mustardy lava-like substance. Give him a couple of weeks and they will be erupting vertically; covering neck, shoulders and hair.
It also seems that Jed loves the cool, fresh air on his little cute butt. He is developing a habit of pooing and weeing inbetween a nappy change when all is exposed to air. We need to invest in a splashback flooring solution. The little tacker has quite the distance in his projecto wees and even the occasional squirting poo.
And by the way, did you know that a baby's fart is just as loud as yours? Not as loud as Luke's however. His could be used as an alarmclock to wake the entire neighbourhood.
Here's a picture of Jed's "I've just done a poo" face. This poo was done post bath, in the fluffiest of white towels. Just lovely.
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