Sorry, another poo story.
So, I had to go to Northcote Plaza a couple of days ago to get a few groceries. It was that 38 degree stinking hot day so I decided to drive up with Jed. Just as we were about to leave the house, there was some 'thunder down under' sounds coming from Jed. I thanked him for being so thoughtful and pooping before we left the house. After a quick nappy change we were on our way.
In the carpark, as I reached down to grab Jed, I heard some more 'rumbles in the jungle'. Damn it! I would usually change him in the boot but it was so hot and windy so after checking for leakages, I decided to pop him in the strap on (baby bjorn) and change him in the 'parent room' in the Plaza.
On our way to the parent room I noticed a wet feeling on my tummy. I looked down at Jed and he had his poo face on. (refer to Poocano story for picture of 'I've just done a poo' face). There it was - yellowy, slimy poo leaking through his clothes, dribbling down his legs, finally making it's way through to my clothes.
I began to walk at a faster pace, not wanting to draw attention to myself. There was more thunder and rumbles. Stuff the Plaza people, I made a run for it. Jed's poo continued to dribble, even leaving a trail of poo drops through the Plaza as we bolted for the change room.
Finally, the parent room. My saviour! Not. It was most disgusting change room to date. I've been visiting lots of parent rooms around town and most are pretty good. Other than the obvious change table, you'll often find a comfy couch or nice arm chair for feeding and a sink with soap to wash pooey hands. Some even have microwaves. Not this one.
To start with, it totally stank. And not of little baby poo but of big adult poo - totally gross, I almost gagged. The change table itself, looked ancient and like it hadn't been cleaned like, ever. There was no way I was putting my pooey baby's body on that. I almost headed to Centre Management to complain but I had other issues to deal with first.
Good thing I carry a change mat with me, bad thing I only had one singular baby wipe to clean up so much poo!!!! I almost wanted to do the 'dunk in the sink' clean but even the sink that was totally gross. Thankfully I did have a spare cloth nappy handy to help with the mess.
Did I mention, all the while this was going on, Jed was making the cutest coo-ing and caa-ing noises ever? Like he was totally enjoying himself watching me in such a chaotic state. Gotta love a guy with a sense of humour...
Saturday, 24 March 2007
Thursday, 15 March 2007
First smile caught on camera
Thursday, 8 March 2007
A dog's perspective

There seems to be a new leader of the pack - Master Jedrek.
It was always a concern to us as to how Rudi would react to a new addition to the family. Could he be trusted? Would he salivate at the bassinet? Would he eat our baby? Maybe would he suffer from an accute case of the doggy blues? Thankfully, Rudi has been a well behaved pup.
What has changed, is the pecking order. The pre baby order of status was as follows -
1. Rachel - top dog
2. Luke - second in command (it was a hardfought battle for this position between Luke and Rudi, but in the end, Lukey won)
3. Rudi - dog
Now with little Jed on the scene, he has taken the role as top dog. From Rudi's perspective, this mini human now has the highest status within our pack. He seems quite astonished that such a little guy could have such control over us with little more than a cry, wriggle or squirm - we are at his beck and call.
We are all very thankful Rudi has adapted so well (although we haven't all taken a trip in the car together yet - this could be very interesting).
Here's a pic of the formerly known 2IC and rudi aka, bucket dog - don't even ask - it's a long story..
Wednesday, 7 March 2007

You may not like to read on if you are in anyway disturbed by the topic of "poo". When you have a newborn, there isn't much that they really do in the early stages other than sleep, suckle ones breast and deposit from down below.
I was quite disturbed to see our son's first poo. It was black, sticky consistancy - quite similar to tar. How could such a revolting substance come out of our absolutely gorgeous baby? The black poos continued for a couple of nappy changes, slowly turning a dark green, then dark brown and now currently, a lovely dijon mustard colour.
Apparently when I was a wee baby, I had a reputation of doing Poocanos - you know, poos that shoot up the back of the nappy, similar to a volcano erupting. Well, it seems that little Jed is well and truly on the way to taking after his mother. His poocanos are currently erupting out the sides of the nappy, covering his legs in a mustardy lava-like substance. Give him a couple of weeks and they will be erupting vertically; covering neck, shoulders and hair.
It also seems that Jed loves the cool, fresh air on his little cute butt. He is developing a habit of pooing and weeing inbetween a nappy change when all is exposed to air. We need to invest in a splashback flooring solution. The little tacker has quite the distance in his projecto wees and even the occasional squirting poo.
And by the way, did you know that a baby's fart is just as loud as yours? Not as loud as Luke's however. His could be used as an alarmclock to wake the entire neighbourhood.
Here's a picture of Jed's "I've just done a poo" face. This poo was done post bath, in the fluffiest of white towels. Just lovely.
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